Sunday, May 5, 2013

Metamorphoses: Orpheus and Eurydice Scene Questions

1. Who are Hades, Fates, Tantalus and Sisyphus? 

A: Hades is the god of the Underworld in greek mythology. The Fates, also referred as the Moirai, are a group of three goddesses (Cloto, Laquesis, and Atropos) which sow the thread of every person's life. They cut it when it's the time to die. Tantalus is a mythological figure that was eternally punished in the Tartarus. Sisyphus is a king of Ephyra that was punished for chronic deceitfulness and had to pull an immense boulder up a hill. 

2. How can Orpheus get Eurydice back? 

A: By going to the Tartarus and making a deal with Hades. Hades proposes that eurydice needs to follow him to the exit of the underworld. The condition is that Orpheus cannot look back to see her (proving if he has faith in other people). Orpheus fails to do this multiple times. 

3. List the ways we are invited to interpret the story. 

A: We are invited to interpret it as a story of love and how it always goes away. Also, as a story that shows how time can move only in one direction. Lastly, we can also interpret it as the story of an artist, and the loss that comes from sudden self-conciousness or impatience. 

4. Which interpretation do you most agree with? 

A: I agree with the third interpretation because this is story of an artist that loses his love due to impatience. Orpheus is an musician that has given multiple chances to retrieve Eurydice but always fails because he looks back.  

5. Is this love story? Why? Why not? If so, what kind of love does this seem to be? 

A: Yes, this is a love story because it narrates the story of a musician that is trying to rescue her loved one from the underworld. This is a troubled love because I believe that Eurydice does not love Orpheus as much as he loves her. He needs to check repeatedly if she is behind him (committed to come back to earth with him). I think that he is doubting her love towards him. 

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