Sunday, September 2, 2012

Gilgamesh Tablets IV & V

First if all, since this is clearly happening in Mesopotamia because all the gods and supernatural figures that are being mentioned in the story are all gods from ancient Sumer and Mesopotamia. That takes me back to the year 2007 in my family trip to Africa.

We visited the Kalahari Desert in Botswana and our situation was similar to the ones that Enkidu and Gilgamesh are passing through at the moment. They are in a desert traveling 50 leagues a day with one food break and they needed to dig a hole to be able to drink water. Our experience was obviously not like that in terms of resources and travel length but we did go through something similar. We spent three days in that desert stopping in different tent places they had ready for us. It was a safari in the desert because not only we wanted to see the desert itself but the animals in it as well. Unfortunately we didn't see any lions but we did see a lot of wild deer (like the Oryx for example).

The intense heat and the walking distances were all part of the experience and when I read the first pages of this section (where the voyage of these two characters is explained) I remembered our trip to the Kalahari instantly because it is really similar. The only thing that wasn't that similar was the praying to the Mesopotamian Gods, or any gods at all.

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